A Place to Call Home Ghost of Christmas Past Review

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Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.

1,853 reviews 228 followers

November sixteen, 2019

The Ghost of Christmas By by Angie Pull a fast one on

A retelling from the Charles Dickens tale, this time with a crotchety Southern adult female, a beautiful domesticated skunk and a sleeping momma conduct with her three cubs. Ghosts included.

Sentimental and sappy and a bulletin of being happy. Spread joy. It will brand everyone respond.
Volume 8.5 of the Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries. Can be read every bit a standalone.

Loved it.

Profile Image for Marta Cox.

two,431 reviews 186 followers

November 13, 2019

This novella is such a timely addition to this series considering as I'm writing it'south November and so all the Christmas feels are more than than welcome. Verity is a southern girl with charm and courage aplenty and together with her curmudgeonly and definitely non PC resident ghost Frankie she's frequently helping both humans and spirits to detect answers and hopefully peace. Her human relationship with her boyfriend Ellis has recently come nether strain equally not only does he have an interfering, decision-making mother but Veritys work oft puts her in danger. Yet it's Christmas Eve and Verity is off to a family party so what could perhaps go wrong ? Well her future female parent in constabulary has a surprise in store then there'south an old friend who turns up but as it'southward Christmas could Verity exist in line for even more than ghostly visitors ?
I know the title gives more than a nod to a rather famous story by a certain Mr Dickens merely I honestly didn't connect this until Verity met her last ghost. I thought at its center this was about families and how it'due south all also easy to get disconnected and it was a very timely bulletin that although not pushed on the reader did brand me pause. My simply issue is Ellis as I simply experience Verity deserves more. To me Ellis feels weak and I always only desire him to accept more than of a stand up. That being said I actually enjoy this somewhat cookie serial and specially enjoy Frankie because he's just so irreverent which is always fun .
This voluntary take is of a re-create I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

    Profile Image for JoAn.

    1,885 reviews ane follower

    Nov 5, 2019

    The Ghost of Christmas Past by Angie Fox is a lovely and magical Christmas short story. It's Christmas Eve and Verity is ready to join Ellis at a Wydell family gathering to celebrate. As usual Ellis' mother, Virginia, acts obnoxious and Verity has had enough. Thanks to a ghost that was a dear friend of hers that pays her a visit, Verity is on a ghostly journey through the Wydells Christmas past, nowadays and future that will allow Verity to think about what really matters to her. It'south a sweet curt story that reflects the best of the flavour.

    The author provided me with a copy of this book to review. This did not influence my thoughts and opinions in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.

      mystery paranormal
    Profile Image for Lynn Cahoon.

    76 books 1,786 followers

    January 28, 2021

    Such a fun twist on the traditional story line. And pears... LOL

      Profile Image for Dee Arr.

      712 reviews 80 followers

      November 23, 2019

      A while back I stumbled upon a book titled "Southern Spirits," the first in writer Angie Play a trick on's Southern Ghost Hunter series. Finding information technology enjoyable, I made a mental note to buy the next book in the serial, but never did get around to it. Perhaps this latest offer, "The Ghost of Christmas Past," will set me back on that path.

      I questioned the "Book 8.5" notice on the cover and wondered what that meant. The author's main character, Verity Long, has more of a personal mystery to solve as the volume centers around the people in her life rather than focusing on the usual case that she might have to solve. The story is a generous nod toward Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." Ms. Fox handled it with such intendance that I didn't catch on until the third spirit appeared (although the championship itself should have been a large clue).

      Even though I have non been what you might call a dedicated fan, it was like shooting fish in a barrel for me to sympathise what was happening as Ms. Fox provided plenty of back story. This was accomplished through snippets here and there, eliminating the need for a gigantic data dump. This kept the story light and airy, total of fun and peppered with Verity's quick and sassy thoughts and verbal responses. The author has a souvenir for keeping her character human rather than unbearably snarky, and the explanations of how Verity acts with the spirit world are original and entertaining. For me, this was the get-go souvenir of the Christmas season. Five stars.

      My thanks to NetGalley and Moose Island Books for a gratis advance re-create of this title.

        cozy-mystery funny holiday-story
      Profile Image for Anita.

      1,868 reviews 112 followers

      Edited Dec 6, 2019

      Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) provided by the Author and Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an fair and honest review.

      I love this series filled with quirky characters including Frankie the Gangster Ghost. This Story evokes Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol and puts a Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries spin on it.

      Information technology all starts with Verity finally standing up to Ellis' female parent, Virginia, and telling her off. When that ends with Verity alone on Christmas Eve, she gets a surprise ghost visitor which take her and Frankie to the Wydell Family unit Orchard and an abandoned cider factory. Old, chilling and definitely haunted, the cider manufacturing plant is home to more than ghosts and Verity must work with them all. With assist from the ghosts of past, present and future, Verity has some serious decisions to make that will touch on the unabridged Wydell family.

        arc christmas mystery-cozy
      Profile Image for Sophia.

      Author 5 books 297 followers

      November 12, 2019

      Verity and Frankie are back with a new ghostly adventure, but this time there is a lot more riding on her figuring out how to help the ghosts than she could have imagined. Her very happiness is riding on this one. With a drop of Dickens and the author'due south own charming Southern Ghost Hunter globe, I was dazzled as usual.

      The Ghost of Christmas Past is a novella and is #8.5 in the serial. It is standalone, but has more meaning and makes more than sense when gotten in order.

      Virginia Wydell, her boyfriend's female parent has gone her length. Verity ever knew that Virginia detested her, just this latest snobby stun right on the eve of Christmas has Verity deciding enough is plenty. Ellis does not disagree that his mother is out of line and has verbally challenged her earlier, but he is also stuck in a hard place betwixt beloved and loyalty that is complicated because family unit is involved.

      Verity'south anger is mixed with her vulnerability of feeling not good enough and lonely for her own scattered family then she pushes Ellis to get to his family unit party and she mopes alone feeding her bitterness and anger.

      Fortunately, this is when gangster Frankie'southward antics and the sweetness honey of her pet skunk keep her from going full on low. A ghost of 1 of her past friends comes forth with a request for Verity'south help and Verity tin can't resist a plea for her help and then she drags a reluctant Frankie with her out to a chilling cider mill and the ghosts have her on iii fateful visionary journeys so she can do her role to save a family.

      I knew in the final book that things were coming to a head when Verity's feckless style of charging into danger would get to Ellis who is a natural protector and a trained responder to danger since he'due south former armed services and a sheriff's deputy, but he's helpless against the ghostly danger. Verity knows they need to have that conversation and at present, Ellis' mother does a spiteful act that Verity just can't smile away and won't. I was startled by her vehemence at start and then it made sense as the story unfolded. The age old trouble with the cliched mother in law is a cliché for a reason. I do love how Verity, and Ellis, somewhen handled Virginia.

      The personal storyline and the romance running through the serial along with the colorful and sparkling characters on their ghostly adventures make this an outstanding serial that I can heartily recommend.

      I rec'd this book from Net Galley in exchange of an honest review.

        holiday-romances mystery-suspense cyberspace-galley-reads
      Profile Image for Nola Arganbright.

      ane,586 reviews 27 followers

      December 14, 2020

      A family affair

      I e'er enjoy reading about Verity and her ghostly friends. This Christmas book combined bits of the Christmas Ballad story and Verity's unique spirit to teach the meaning of the season.

      Profile Image for Angie Elle.

      844 reviews 97 followers

      November 30, 2019

      ARC from Netgalley

      iii.5 stars

      The Ghost of Christmas By is the eighth and a half book in Angie Play a joke on's Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries serial. Always on the hunt for a Christmas read this time of yr, I didn't let the fact that this was part of a series I haven't followed deter me. I didn't feel lost reading this, so you tin starting time here, but I remember if I'd read more than from this series and was more attached to Verity, my rating would have been higher.

      It's obvious from the title of the story that this is meant to exist a riff off Dickens' A Christmas Carol, and fifty-fifty as calorie-free-hearted as it was, information technology carried an important message. Verity's Christmas Eve begins when her beau's mother, always ready with an insult for Verity, surprises her with an expensive commitment (that Verity has to pay for,) and when Verity finally gives the woman a piece of her mind, her Christmas plans go up in smoke. Simply as happens in fiction, some other event presently presents itself, and off Verity goes. I thought this was a fun little novella where Verity gets to run across the past, present and futurity, and I like that while she is finally able to get her point across, it'southward in a bit of a softer way. I likewise savor the way this volume highlights a sort of domino event - how a seemingly passing conversation or confrontation tin change everything, often for the worst. The improver of Verity's pet skunk was ambrosial, and I'm certain it's been in the series for a while, but as a new reader, information technology was a treat for me. I too really liked that while it was Verity who gets the opportunity to change the manner things go, it wasn't all selfishness, as the events she gets to witness touch others more than than her, and she could have only chosen to walk away. Just she didn't, and I beloved that she is the kind of person to exist there when the going gets tough.

      As I mentioned before,The Ghost of Christmas Past was my first volume of the series, and I found it enjoyable plenty to want to become back and read previous books. The timing is perfect, because while I'yard writing this review, the offset volume is free on Amazon, and the WhisperSync price for the audio is simply $1.99. And BONUS - Tavia Gilbert narrates this serial, and she'southward 1 of my favorites! Overall, I think this was a fun Christmas read with a life lesson thrown in, and I reserve the correct to upwards my rating once I know Verity better.

        Profile Image for Lisa Malmquist.

        416 reviews 18 followers

        December 14, 2020

        Cute short story virtually Verity and her ghost hunting business.
        She has a ghostly visitor who helps her make a decision nearly Christmas that will aid her swain'southward family to recover their Christmas spirit.
        Different and fun tale which is a flake of a ghostly accept on the Ghosts of past present and future with a southern twist.

          Displaying 1 - ten of 306 reviews


          Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49649247-the-ghost-of-christmas-past

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